Sunday, May 15, 2016

Continuous Hiring of Online ESL Teachers

The hiring of Online English Tutors will not stop unless we post that it stops because the companies we are affiliated with are in need of more more than 500 Online ESL Teachers either center / office based or home based.
Due to the challenge given to us which is to bring in confident and brave teachers to companies / schools, we are tasked to screen, pre-test and hope to empower candidates before presenting them to the schools for final exams and test them with real clients called Student Evaluation for 9 days (paid training of P300 on the first 4 days and P500 on the next 5 days - or shorter in one company. Other companies goes for straight tests after us and will immediately decide with in the 3 days observation period if the applicant is trainable will be hired, As for home based teachers - they shall be tested after an interview and watching of student demo's then hired - if trainable).
We encourage that applicants to apply thru us, and we shall immediately schedule an interview, screening test and training time for you and with you.
For more information, kindly send your resume's first to and we will get in touch with you for your schedule and orientation.
TExt me that you have sent a resume at 0916-659-9450 or 0928-737-1208 - please do not call smile emoticon --- it is not necessary - we will call you up for a personal interview after seeing your resume.
Thank you so much.